February 14th 2009, 1:45 p.m.. The 14th of February always signifies a day of love and sharing it with someone special in your life, a day in which you share a bond with that special someone. Today was not like most of the past Valentines days my family and I have ever experienced, it was one of the most painful experiences Ive ever had in my life and I believe in my siblings as well.
His name was Flash.. loving, caring, warm in hold and of course mans best friend. He meant alot to our family, he made our transition from moving from the Philippines to the states 11 years ago alot easier on all of us. If your asking how can such an animal do that to a person or even a family in our case.. Just seeing him everyday after school made everything disappear, when I was in middle school.. I had no idea how American life was lived or slang terms used or anything like that, I spoke with an accent and kids often stayed away from me because of it. My days in school sucked and I couldn't ever wait to get home just to get away from the pressures of "fitting in" Flash always had a smile on his face and no matter what the situation was he was able to put a smile on my face and made it seem like everything was gonna be ok. He was my best friend for the first 2 years of American life style, I regret now that we had such a far relationship till recently when he was getting old and weak. He was diagnosed with Diabetes about 6 months ago and became blind about 2 months back.. I never thought I'd see the day that this animal that was so easy to love and cared for us when no one else did would get to this kind of state. I thought he was going to live forever..
Last night was one of the more horrific things I've ever seen in my life.. A dog that has never shown any quit or fight in him finally kept to a hum as he indicated he had nothing left to give. My brother and I rushed him to the hospital in the morning and expected good news.. what we got was the contrary, The doctor came in and said that his kidneys and liver have failed him and that his blood sugar level was off the charts that the machines wouldn't read his rating. A proud and loud pup had finally been silenced. The doctor told us that they could keep him in house for 3 nights and help him recover but there was no way to save him from his failing arteries, My brother and I made what to me was the most painful decision I've ever made in my life.. We gave the OK for the doctors to put him to sleep.. I haven't cried or shed a tear over anything in a very long time but I found myself crying with my brother in the room where we heard are friends fate..
Flash to us was more than just our dog he was a friend and a companion compared to none other. To my mother at the very least.. he was another son to her, I often thought my mother was crazy for talking to him like he was human but now I see what a close relationship Flash and my mom had. Mothers often have the best instincts when it comes to their children.. mine told me today when I came home from the clinic that she knew that this would be the last time she would see him thats why she decided not to come to the clinic because she wouldn't be able to bear the news that we received. She told us that she cried when my brother and I left knowing what would happen. She cried all day even when she went out to go do her open houses she cried. She told us this would be his last Christmas with us and it was.. But we know as a family that he is in a better place now looking down on us smiling and his tongue out like he was still a young stud haha.. "We miss you already Flash.."
Good bye.. old friend.
We miss you..