Its crazy school is here again and once again Im playing the role of procrastinating student, never the less Im back in school.. Its kind of bitter sweet for the situation because I know the benefits of the work when it comes to fruition but at the same time Im just not a school type person.
Work has been well work.. What I once enjoyed overly at times has become a bit of a challenge. Money has been right but just the overall feel has been sort of different.
The experience of moving out for the first time was definitely something new.. paying my own bills (power. water. gas. rent) was something new all i was used to was paying for was my own cell phone bill, insurance and occasionally helping my brother and sister with what they need.
Recently I just moved into a house back on the southside of Vegas with Glenn and Jio. It'll be fun definitely with all 3 of our personalities in the house, I really wanna see how we co exist in the house. Glenn being the more outgoing of the 3 of us and the mindset he has of paper chaser right now definitely brings a good persona to the house. Jio being the responsible out of the 3 of us definitely looks out for the best interest of the other 2 on the house (Glenn and I). Me ? I guess you can call me the balance to Glenns wildness, to sum it up Im the guy in the background that watches everything.
My car finally gave out after all this time (what a suprise right ? lol) the last 3 weeks have been tough having no car for the first time since high school ended its been rough depending on other people for rides instead of the usual of me being depended on for rides. hopefully if everything goes well like it has ill be able to get a new car by the end of this week or early next week. (Thanks to all the people that have bared with me throughout this whole process)
As some of you know a certain someone decided to call and end to the relationship I had.. I dont blame her though I would've probably done the same thing she did now that I think about it, She deserves more ! ..anyway never have a felt more lonely at any point till about 4 months ago when I realized I really dont have any more solid concrete friendships. I started clubbing and yea I developed some great relationships and networked along the way but that just wasnt who Im. I really dint hit up anyone to much because my schedule it revolved pretty much around my job and its all I do until recently with school starting back up. Shouts to everyone that decided to pick up the phone when I called because I needed someone to kick it with on my level.. more chill and just kick back talk about life and such.
So yea.. my summer definitely could've been better but I wont trade it for anything, all these experiences, feelings, lessons, knowledge I've gained have definitely opened my eyes to what I should be doing to improve things for myself. Developing goals and striving harder to reach them is definitely something Im going to pursue a little more seriously.
This is one of the Projects on the Horizon.. shhhhhh !

..You'll soon understand what thats about ;] ..thats all Im allowed to say by my partners right now.
Im going to take something a person once said and told me I have great business savy and see how right she was..
Peace Love Happiness,
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