Thursday, September 23, 2010


Being a Filipino in the U.S was always something I never liked representing. Its different seeing state side Filipino's and how their raised compared to the way Filipino's are brought up back home where I'm from 13 years of my life.

Some of the reasons why I hate Filipino's is the U.S is because majority of the filipino's I've met in the U.S have been the same story over and over.. greedy, flashy, no manners.. the list goes on and on (I myself will admit that I've been that way at a point, but always kept in check by my mother). The filipino I know was the complete opposite of that mold.

On his trip to New York to meet with Pres. Barack Obama I'm so glad that something so innocent as eating a New york stand hot dog can be done by President NoyNoy Aquino of the Philippines. To most people will just see a well of man having a hot dog on a street corner. To me it means so much more, It shows that you dont need all these flashy things or show me something I could care less for. It shows a sign of Humbleness. It shows Hope that there are still people in the world that enjoy the small but fun things in life. Today makes me proud to say I'm Filipino !

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