One day she hit me up to kick it and I was like "cool why not?" I havent seen her in so long its crazy. Anyways we went out and did the catching up thing nothing big just whatevers. As we hung out some more we started getting flirty and what not but again nothing serious, She texted me one day if I had feelings for her.. I quickly replied no and we established that we were just friends. We couldnt be even if we wanted to ! I mean she has a boy friend for god sakes, theres no way in hell this shit should even be happening right ? I mean whats so wrong with a little flirting ? its just flirting. She told me that If I made a move on her when we first met we could be in a different situation that we are now but DAMN way to tell me now right ? She told me she liked me back when we met but we couldnt be back then either ! she was talking to one of my boys at the time and I wasnt about to mess up what my boy had going for him. Im not gonna lie I did like her too for a little bit but I stopped cause my boy was trying to be with her.
She came with me to Lexi's house the other night and like I said Im not one to be doing PDA in front of everyone or anything cutesy like that in public, I like doing that stuff in our personal time. But we kinda did and people are asking me if shes the chick Im talking to, I explained to everyone that she wasnt and that we were just friends. Its funny cause Ramey took a picture of us and I told her to delete it, I just really dont want people seeing me with anyone Im all hugged up on ya know ? ahhhh shit ! wierd I know but hey I just choose to be that way.
I dont really know what to make of it, I mean shes cool and dope but the person that Im interested in right now is also the same way.. a smart ass and attitude havin' sometimes but ..I LIKE the attitude sometimes haha !!
We'll see what happens
Dope Image from Nov 3 to Nov 10

Cant stop listening to this song right now ahhh !!
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