First and foremost I just want to say that the stuff I write in this blog is stuff usually that I would just keep to myself. I write it hear so I have a clearer mind during the day, trust me this is kind of therapeutic to me as funny as that sounds. whheewwww now that's out of the way..
Its crazy waking up at my house, you never know what your ever going to wake up to. Today was filled with a little bit of sadness and anger, I woke up around 10 this morning to a sobbing mother, I came downstairs to see her like that and immediately as any good son would ask "whats wrong mom whats the problem" her answer is something not shocking to me, but for someone who is a strict conservative and someone of great morals and values.. it was shattering. She told me she found birth control pills in my younger sisters bag this morning and right away confronted my sister about it. To my mothers suspicion.. my sister was no longer a virgin ! I dint know how to react because I had no clue how to console my mom about it. It was something she feared for the longest time, but thought my sister was just too smart to do that kind of stuff. My mom took my sister to everything me and my brother went though as far as sex ed even taking her to church for sex ed meetings. The church ones were more intimate because it required the parents to be present to teach both parent and child on what to do in certain situations. My mom believed all this would help out as would any other parent would be led to believe. My belief in this situation is that you can put your child through all the pre-cautionary action that you want to.. the bottom line is that your child has a mind of their own. If they want something to happen.. it will happen, all you can do as a parent, sibling or friend in this case is hope that they make the right decision.
Like I said this doesn't come as a shock to me, 60% of teens are sexually active by their Sophomore and Junior years of High School. Add that up with my sister and her boy friend being together for a year and a half now ? I think you know the equation. Dont get me wrong there are people that still stay abstinent, and thats good.. more power to them. I guess the only thing I can say to my disappointed mom now is to let it go, its in the past and all we can do now is move forward and think positively on the situation, no matter how difficult it might be to swallow.
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