Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dear Mr. Toilet, I feel like shit !

Literally ! feel so bad curled up in my bed, fever so high and every intent of throwing up ! I have a game today with Sheldon and the fellas in the SNBA (The Thoroughbredz) which I have to miss today cause Im sick, they dont need me today anyways we're sick and we're playing someone weak I think our record now in that league 7-2.. both games we lost we could've won so Im not to worried.

Here our the records of the teams I play for so far..

Sunday Gold Division: USO Warriors [3-1]
Sunday Silver Division: Video Sonic [3-0]
Monday Bronze Division: Allies [7-1]
Wednesday Bronze Division: Roc Boys [0-6]
Saturday Bronze Division: Hawks [1-1]

Tuesday and Thursday: The Thoroughbredz [7-2]

..take a wild guess on what team Im dropping after this season

Ahhhh damn this cold !!! chicken noodle soup ? anyone please hook it up !

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